The 7 Clingy Dog Breeds That Require the Most Cuddles

The 7 Clingy Dog Breeds That Require the Most Cuddles
The 7 Clingy Dog Breeds That Require the Most Cuddles

Some dog breeds are particularly known for their need for human affection and constant cuddles. These clingy breeds thrive on companionship and love to be close to their owners. Here are the seven dog breeds that require the most cuddles.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are known for their friendliness and deep affection for human connection. They exhibit their devotion with tail wags and nuzzles, always seeking the company of their owners. Their friendly nature and eagerness to bond make them a popular family breed, always ready for a cuddle.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are calm, kind, and incredibly affectionate dogs. Their warm, expressive eyes seem to reach into your soul, always beckoning for another hug. Whether offering comfort or sharing in moments of joy, Golden Retrievers are loyal companions who thrive on close human interaction.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, with their exquisite beauty and gentle nature, love being touched and snuggling with their favorite people. Their royal heritage doesn’t impede their friendly and accessible nature. These dogs are happiest when cuddled on a lap or playing with their human companions.

Pit Bull Terrier

Despite their undeserved bad image, Pit Bull Terriers are incredibly affectionate and loyal to their owners. They adore snuggles and constantly seek physical contact with their human families. Their strong bonds and affectionate nature make them lovable and dependable pets.


Boxers are lively, playful dogs that show deep loyalty to their owners. They welcome you with enthusiasm and always want to be near, often believing they are lap dogs despite their size. Their caring and protective nature makes them excellent companions who crave close contact and affection.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are fluffy, white clouds of joy that are always ready to snuggle. They love attention and are known for their playful and affectionate nature. These dogs form strong attachments to their owners and are always eager to reflect their feelings and provide comfort through cuddles.

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds are slim and elegant dogs that love cuddling. They are incredibly loyal to their owners, often following them around the house. These graceful creatures find joy in little more than a warm lap to snuggle into, making them perfect companions for those who love close and constant contact with their pets.


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