9 States Where Bobcats Are Common

9 States Where Bobcats Are Common
9 States Where Bobcats Are Common

Bobcats are elusive creatures, thriving in diverse habitats across the United States. Here are nine states where these fascinating felines are particularly common.


California boasts a thriving population of approximately 50,000 bobcats, showcasing their adaptability and successful presence across diverse ecosystems. The state’s extensive conservation efforts have played a significant role in maintaining and enhancing the bobcat population.


Home to around 46,500 bobcats, Wisconsin demonstrates resilience and growth, particularly in the northern and central forested regions. Bobcats in Wisconsin are gradually expanding their range into southern areas, adapting to varied habitats and benefiting from effective wildlife management practices.

North Carolina

With an estimated population of 20,000, bobcats in North Carolina exhibit broad adaptability across diverse terrains. Although the population has experienced fluctuations, conservation efforts and regulated hunting practices have helped maintain a stable and thriving bobcat population in the state.


Colorado supports approximately 12,000 bobcats, primarily in mountainous regions with abundant prey and cover. Regulations and conservation efforts have been instrumental in preserving a healthy bobcat population, ensuring these animals continue to thrive in the state’s varied landscapes.


Michigan’s bobcat population, estimated at 10,000, has significantly recovered since the early 20th century. Thriving in the state’s northern regions with ample forest cover, bobcats benefit from regulated hunting practices and conservation initiatives aimed at protecting their habitats.


Oregon’s thriving bobcat population of around 7,000 reflects the state’s commitment to conservation. Primarily found in forested areas, the preservation of ecosystems has led to a rebound in bobcat numbers, showcasing the effectiveness of Oregon’s wildlife management strategies.


Arizona’s robust bobcat population, estimated between 3,000 to 7,000, showcases their adaptability to extreme conditions. These felines are primarily sighted in areas with abundant prey and cover, benefiting from targeted conservation strategies that address the unique challenges of the state’s arid environment.


With around 6,000 bobcats, Iowa’s population resurgence is attributed to habitat restoration and reduced hunting pressures. Bobcats thrive in diverse habitats across the state, highlighting the success of Iowa’s efforts to create conducive environments for wildlife.


Kentucky’s approximate population of 5,000 bobcats signifies significant growth, adapting to various environments from dense forests to mixed agricultural lands. The state’s ample cover and prey base have allowed bobcats to flourish, supported by ongoing conservation and habitat management efforts.


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