What To Eat To Lose Weight: 8 Nutrient-Dense Foods You Cannot Overeat

What To Eat To Lose Weight: 8 Nutrient-Dense Foods You Cannot Overeat
What To Eat To Lose Weight: 8 Nutrient-Dense Foods You Cannot Overeat

When it comes to losing weight, choosing nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories but high in essential nutrients can make all the difference. Here are eight such foods that you can enjoy without worrying about overeating.

Plain Greek Yogurt

Plain Greek yogurt is renowned for its high protein content, with around 20 grams per cup, and relatively low calorie count, approximately 130 calories per serving. Its thick texture and rich taste make it a satisfying choice that helps you feel full longer, aiding in weight loss efforts.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are a lean protein source, containing approximately 4 grams of protein per large egg white and only about 15 calories. They are virtually fat-free and cholesterol-free, making them an excellent option for those looking to reduce their calorie intake while still getting ample protein.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are small black seeds packed with nutrients like fiber, protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Just one ounce of chia seeds provides 11 grams of fiber, which helps to keep you full and satisfied. Their ability to absorb liquid and expand in your stomach can help curb hunger and prevent overeating.


Pickles are cucumbers that have been pickled in vinegar or brine, resulting in a tangy and crunchy snack. They are low in calories, with approximately 5 calories per ounce, making them a guilt-free addition to your diet. Their high water content and crunchiness can also help satisfy cravings for salty snacks.


Watermelon is a refreshing and hydrating fruit known for its high water content, over 90%, and low calorie count, about 45 calories per cup. It’s rich in vitamins A and C, providing essential nutrients while helping you stay hydrated and full, making it a perfect snack for weight loss.


Apples are a nutrient-dense fruit that’s low in calories, around 60 calories per medium apple, and high in dietary fiber, about 4 grams per apple. The combination of fiber and water content in apples helps to keep you full, making them a great snack to help control your appetite and support weight loss.


Strawberries are a delicious and nutrient-rich berry that’s low in calories, approximately 50 calories per cup, and high in fiber and vitamin C. Their natural sweetness satisfies your sweet tooth without the added calories and sugar, making them an ideal choice for a healthy, weight-loss-friendly snack.


Blackberries are another nutrient-packed berry low in calories, around 60 calories per cup, and high in fiber, vitamins C and K, and manganese. They are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health while keeping your calorie intake low.


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