10 Reasons to Reconsider Miniature Dachshunds

10 Reasons to Reconsider Miniature Dachshunds

Miniature Dachshunds, with their distinctive long bodies and short legs, have a unique charm that appeals to many dog lovers. However, before deciding to bring one into your home, there are several factors to consider. Here are ten reasons why you might want to think twice about getting a Miniature Dachshund.

Breed Background

Miniature Dachshunds were originally bred in Germany for hunting badgers. Their long bodies and short legs made them perfect for digging into burrows. While their hunting background makes them adventurous and bold, it can also contribute to some challenging behaviors.


While they can be affectionate, Miniature Dachshunds have a reputation for being stubborn and difficult to train. Their independent nature often means they prefer doing things their own way, which can make obedience training a frustrating experience.

Loud, Yappy Barking

This breed is known for its loud and persistent barking. They tend to be very vocal, which can be problematic in apartments or close living quarters. If noise is a concern, a Miniature Dachshund might not be the best choice.


Miniature Dachshunds are fiercely independent dogs. This trait can make them less obedient and more challenging to train than other breeds. Their independent streak requires patience and consistent training efforts.

Suspicious of Strangers

These dogs are often wary of strangers. Their protective nature can lead to excessive barking and potential aggression toward unfamiliar people. Socialization from a young age is crucial to mitigate these tendencies.

Dislike of Other Dogs

Miniature Dachshunds often do not get along well with other dogs. They can be territorial and may display aggression toward other pets. This behavior can make multi-pet households challenging.


Housebreaking a Miniature Dachshund can be a lengthy and difficult process. Their stubbornness often makes them resistant to consistent training. Patience and persistence are key when housebreaking this breed.

Health Problems

This breed is prone to several health issues, particularly back problems due to their long spines. They may also suffer from hereditary conditions like intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to manage their health.


Depending on whether they have a smooth, long, or wire coat, grooming needs can vary. Regular brushing and maintenance are required, especially for long-haired varieties. Be prepared for regular grooming sessions to keep their coats in good condition.

High Exercise Need

Despite their small size, Miniature Dachshunds need a lot of exercise. They have high energy levels and require daily walks and playtime to keep them happy and healthy. Ensuring they get enough physical activity is important for their overall well-being.


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